Exterior - St. Leonard's Church, London Streatham

St Leonard’s Church is the oldest building in Streatham. Its surrounding churchyard is meant to be to be an area of tranquillity and peace surrounding the church in the middle of Streatham High Road.

In the spring of 2006, a new exterior lighting scheme was installed to light up the architectural features of the church and to safely illuminate the pathways through the churchyard.

The facades of the church are washed from close-offset 35W metal halide luminaries surface mounted behind adjacent tombs, together with inground metal halide asymmetric uplights recessed into hard surfaces. Narrow beam metal halide uplights surface mounted to the roof graze along the full height of two sides of the steeple. 

The pathways around the churchyard are illuminated at low level re-using small vandalised tombstones to act as reflectors for inground fluorescent uplights adjacent to the paths. Small metal halide medium beam floodlights are also located at high level in the canopies of larger trees towards the entrances of the churchyard, creating a moon-lit effect on the ground.

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St. Leonard's Church